CSC Student Organizations/Programs

- App Development Club
- AquaPack Robotics
- Artificial Intelligence Club
- Association of Computing Machinery / Association of Information Technology Professionals (ACM/AITP)
- Code Black
- Computer Science Graduate Student Association (CSCGSA)
- Engineering Entrepreneurs Program
- Honors Program, Honor Societies
- HackPack
- International Programs in Engineering
- Latino Association for Computer Science (LA/CSC)
- Linux Users Group
- Minority Engineering Programs (MEP)
- National Society of Black Engingeers (NSBE)
- NC State Black Graduate Student Association
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
- Society of Sales Engineers
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
- STARS Student Leadership Corps
- Triangle Java User's Group
- UI UX Tech Club
- Women and Minority Engineering Programs (WMEP)
- Women in Computer Science (WICS)
- Women in Engineering Program
- Women In Science & Engineering (WISE)
Web Hosting
"Beginning fall 2014, all student organizations at NC State, including those in engineering, must register in the new Student Involvement software, CollegiateLink, at That registration should be done by the President or principal officer of the organization.
Any student can create a Profile in CollegiateLink at and then search and join organizations...