Corporate Relations

Maintaining strong industry ties is core to our departmental vision, and essential to our ability to provide the highest quality educational experience possible for our students.

The Corporate Relations office serves as a liaison between the business community and the academic community in the Department of Computer Science at NC State University, with a focus on identifying, developing, and nurturing strong collaborative relationships.

When it comes to corporate partnerships, one size does not fit all. We understand that every business has unique needs, so partnering opportunities with the department come in all shapes and sizes. We pledge to work with you to develop a strategy that addresses your specific business and university relations objectives.

Other partnership opportunities include, but are not limited to, named scholarships & fellowships, capstone student projects and practicums, faculty awards, sponsored research, etc.

To simplify the process, the platform that we provide to manage these partnerships within the department of computer science is called the ePartners Program. Becoming an ePartner is quite simple. Annual qualifying contributions are based on the size of the company and start at $2,500.

If you would like more information on becoming an ePartner with our department, or discussing any of the other partnership options, contact:

Tammy Coates
Assistant Director of Engagement & External Relations
Department of Computer Science
College of Engineering
1204-D EBII
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8206