The Fidelity Investments "Leadership in Technology" Speakers Series Proudly Presents...

Jud Bowman
Founder & CEO, Appia, Inc.
Overcoming the Challenges of Young Entrepreneurship: How to Start a Successful Company in Your 20s
Tuesday, October 25th, 6:00 PM; EB2 1231
Overcoming the Challenges of Young Entrepreneurship: How to Start a Successful Company in Your 20s
Abstract: From gaining the respect of investors to building and managing a team, starting a company at any age is difficult, but even more so when you just graduated from high school. Jud Bowman started his first company at age 18 and has spent the last 12 years navigating the challenges of young entrepreneurship. In this talk, Jud will share the story of how he built two successful companies in his 20s, and the lessons he learned along the way.
Speaker Bio
Jud Bowman is the founder and CEO of Appia and has helped grow the company into the largest cross platform, open app marketplace in the world. Prior to Appia, Jud co-founded Motricity (Nasdaq: MOTR) in September 1999 and was instrumental in growing the company to more than $100 million in annual revenues and 500 employees globally. Jud was named one of the world's 'Top 100 Young Innovators' by MIT's Technology Review and one of 'Tech's Best Young Entrepreneurs' by Business Week in 2007. He was also recognized as a winner of the Ernst & Young 'Entrepreneur of the Year' award in the Carolinas in 2001 and 2010. Jud is currently on leave from Stanford University, where he was named a President's Scholar, and is a graduate of the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics.
Note to CSC Graduate Students
These lectures have been approved by the CSC Graduate Oversight Committee to count toward the required lectures for graduate students. Download seminar attendance form.