CSC News

November 16, 2010

Xie Receives Computing-in-the-Cloud Research Supplement to NSF CAREER Award

Dr. Tao Xie, associate professor of computer science at NC State, has been awarded supplemental funding for his Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF). This $84,727 supplement supports his proposal titled “Cooperative Developer Testing with Test Intentions.”

Abstract:  Developer testing has been widely recognized as an important, valuable means of improving software reliability. However, manual developer testing is often tedious and not sufficient. Automated testing tools can be used to reduce manual testing efforts. This project develops a systematic framework for cooperative developer testing to enable effective, synergetic cooperation between developers and testing tools. This framework centers around test intentions (i.e., what testing goals to satisfy) and consists of four components: intention specification, test generation, test abstraction, and intention inference. The project also includes integrated research and educational plans.
To see related story, click here.
For more information about Dr. Xie, click here.


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