Alumni - Making a Difference
Over the years, many computer science alumni have made it back to
campus to help support the mission of the department. Such active participation
contributes to the vitality of the department and helps assure a quality
educational experience for our students.
We appreciate the involvement of our alumni and friends. Whether you're just launching your career or have several career moves behind you, we hope you continue building on the relationships formed during your days on campus.
The first step is to email us to update your address and other relevant information. We also encourage you to consider how you can become more actively involved in the NC State computer science community.
Following are several ways that alumni and friends of NC State's Department of Computer Science have remained a part of the 'Pack.
- Presentations - in classrooms, at student organization meetings, lectures and recruitment events
- Research collaboration - with individual faculty members, through our research centers, or through the Senior Design Center
- Strategic Advisory Board - members nominated and elected to board positions
Make a Gift
Many alumni choose to make a commitment of financial support for the department. A gift to the Department of Computer Science at NC State's College of Engineering is an investment in the future. It demonstrates a shared vision of the importance of computer science and research and a confidence in NC State’s ability to execute that vision wisely.
Through generous alumni, corporate partners and friends, the Department of Computer Science has been able to create opportunities, foster new research and technologies and attract the brightest professors and students.Your investments in our department not only contribute to this vision but also help ensure your NC State degree continues to grow in prominence and value.
You can support the Department of Computer Science today by making a gift using the university's secure online giving process, designating the department as the recipient of your contribution.
For additional information or to discuss a giving option that best suits your needs and interest, contact:
Ken Tate, Director
Development and External Relations
Department of Computer Science
College of Engineering
1204-F EBII, Box 8206
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8206