Claire Jeffries
Hometown: Cary, NCHigh School: Green Hope High School
Activities: Officer of Japan Club, Music, Crafting, Language learning.
Awards & Honors: Dean’s List
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2026
What I plan to do after graduation: Have you ever encountered nonsensical translations when using Google Translate or clicking 'See translation' on Instagram? After graduation, I would love to pursue a career in improving the accuracy and effectiveness of language translation technology.
Why I Love Computer Science: Growing up, I was often discouraged from STEM, leading me to believe that it was not something I was capable of doing. However, with the encouragement of my friends and the experience of taking CSC116 during my freshman year at NC State, I discovered a love for the problem-solving aspects and creative freedom that came with designing a program. Being part of a generation that has grown with technology is an incredibly unique experience, and witnessing my growth in computer science and contributing to the advancement of technology’s future has been immensely rewarding. I am most grateful for the opportunities and resources that NC State has given me to succeed in this field.
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