CSC 431 - File Organization and Processing
Catalog Description:Hardware characteristics of storage devices. Basic file organizations including sequential, direct, and indexed sequential; hashing and collision resolution; perfect hashing; signatures; bloom filters; sorting and other bit level structures. Tree structures including binary search trees, B-trees, and trees. Dynamic hashing techniques. Structures including grid files. Applying file structures to practical problems.
Contact Hours:
- Lecture: 3 hours
Co-requisites: None
Restrictions: None
Coordinator: Dr. Rada Chirkova
Textbook: Disk Based Algorithms for Big Data
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, a student will be able to…
- learn about how information is maintained on external storage devices, both in physical and logical contexts
- learn how to use order notation to describe an algorithm’s space and execution efficiency
- study the strengths and limitations of a number of common in-memory searching and sorting algorithms
- study the strengths and limitations of a number of common external searching and sorting algorithms
- Physical Disk and Storage Basics
- Order Notation
- Logical File Organization
- Sequential and Direct File Access
- File-Management Strategies
- File Indexing
- Internal Sorting Algorithms
- Internal Searching Algorithms
- External Sorting Algorithms
- External Searching Algorithms
- Hashing
- Distributed Hash Tables
- (time permitting) Signature Files
See Course Listings