Computer Science eNewsletter
February 2010
In This Issue
- Jiang Receives Prestigious NSF CAREER Award
- CoE's 2009 Outstanding Alumni Announced
- Fidelity Investments "Leadership in Technology" Series Presents Mike Torto
- Five to Present at Graduate Student Research Symposium
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistants Recognized
- I-Cubed + 25 years = Business Success
- Alumnus Kulkarni Named Assistant Professor at Purdue
- Alumnus Zettlemoyer Named Assistant Professor at University of Washington
- Chancellor's Report 2009
- Your Chance to Speak to Students!
- Departmental Gifts & Research
- Faculty / Staff News
- Department Pages on Facebook and LinkedIn
- CSC "Jobs List"
Jiang Receives Prestigious NSF CAREER Award
Congratulations to Dr. Xuxian Jiang, who recently received a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF). This award, valued at $424,166, supports his proposal “Towards Exterminating Stealthy Rootkits – A Systematic Immunization Approach”. Jiang becomes the 20th NSF CAREER Award winner for the department of computer science at NC State (18th currently on faculty), one of the highest concentrations of any department in the nation. more
CoE's 2009 Outstanding Alumni Announced
The College of Engineering at North Carolina State University has named the Distinguished Engineering Alumnus award winners for 2009. The recipients are Johnny F. Norris, Jr., president and CEO of Fuel Tech, Inc; Dr. John W. Palmour, chief technology officer of advanced devices for Cree, Inc.; and B.D. Rodgers, chairman of Rodgers Builders, Inc. more
Fidelity Investments "Leadership in Technology" Series Presents Mike Torto
The department welcomes Mike Torto, CEO of rPath, Inc., on April 13th as the final spring speaker in the Fidelity Investments "Leadership in Technology" Executive Speakers Series. His talk topic will be “Starting and Scaling a Successful High Tech Venture”. The event is free and open to the public. more
Five to Present at Graduate Student Research Symposium
Five Ph.D. students in the department of computer science at NC State University have been selected to present their research at The 5th Annual NC State University Graduate Student Research Symposium to be held on March 10, from 1–5 p.m. in the McKimmon Center. more
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistants Recognized
The NC State University Department of Computer Science wishes to congratulate 11 of its most Outstanding Teaching Assistants (TAs) who have been selected for Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards by the University Graduate Student Association (UGSA). more
I-Cubed + 25 years = Business Success
Grant Williard remembers what his college professors told him. Armed with an engineering degree from NC State, they said, you can do anything you want. Since then, Williard has become what he calls “living, breathing proof” of that statement. He went on to found I-Cubed, a company that develops the computer-aided-design (CAD) software that assists in the creation of drawings and specifications. The company is now located on NC State’s Centennial Campus and is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. more
Alumnus Kulkarni Named Assistant Professor at Purdue
Congratulations to NC State Computer Science alumnus, Dr. Milind Kulkarni, who was recently named an assistant professor with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University. more
Alumnus Zettlemoyer Named Assistant Professor at University of Washington
Congratulations to NC State Computer Science alumnus, Dr. Luke Zettlemoyer was recently named an assistant professor with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. more
Chancellor's Report 2009
Check out the Chancellor’s Report that sums up 2009 and gives a slice of the life of the university. College of Engineering faculty and students are featured throughout the report. Gaming and Cloud Computing, near and dear to Computer Science, are featured in "The Teachers" section. more
Your Chance to Speak to Students!
Our faculty frequently supplement their lectures with expert guest speakers. We are currently looking for guest speakers who can come into our "Web Programming" course and speak on the topics of "Search Engine Optimization" and "How to Start your own Web Design Business." If you are experienced in one of these areas and would like an opportunity to come back on campus and speak to students, or if you are an expert in another technical area and want to be added to our expert call list, email Ken Tate.
Departmental Gifts & Research
Deutsche Bank has donated $2,500 in support of the department’s ePartners Program.
First Citizens Bank has donated $5,000 in support of the Senior Design Center.
Dr. Frank Mueller has been awarded $50,000 by Sandia National Laboratory to support his research proposal titled “Developing and Evaluating Advanced Methods for Resilience at Scale.” more.
Dr. Nagiza Samatova has been awarded $454,311 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory – UT Battelle (US Dept. of Energy) to support her research proposal titled “Ultrascale Computational Modeling of Phenotype-Specific Metabolic Processes in Microbial Communities.” more
Faculty / Staff News
Congratulations to Dr. Barbara (Jasmine) Adams, Director of Undergraduate Advising, Ms. Ann Hunt, Contracts and Grants Manager, and Dr. David Thuente, Professor and Director of Graduate Programs, who were recognized recently as recipients of the "Pride of the WolfPack" Award. more
Congratulations to Dr. Vince Freeh, and his wife Jennifer, on the birth of their sixth child on February 24th. New daughter, Julia, and mom are doing well.
Department Pages on Facebook and LinkedIn

Alumni, students, faculty, staff, and corporate partners of the NC State Department of Computer Science, interested in networking to foster collaboration, entrepreneurship, partnerships, career development and professional growth are invited to join the department's pages on Facebook and LinkedIn.
CSC "Jobs List"
If you are a CSC student or alum and would like to receive an automatic email notice whenever new postings are activated on the CSC online jobs board, you are invited to subscribe to the cscjobs list. We may also use the list to announce career fairs, company campus visits & info sessions, and other career related events and activities. This is an "opt-in" list, so you must subscribe to receive the notices. Students can subscribe via the Subscribe Interface at (type cscjobs in the Mailing List box and press Search) or by sending an email to: (leave Subject Line blank), in the body of the message type subscribe cscjobs, and then send your message. For more information about subscribing please check