Computer Science eNewsletter
February 2012
In This Issue
- Scholarship Endowment to Honor Dr. Thomas Honeycutt
- Best Paper Award Presented at CODASPY 2012
- Virtual Crime Scene
- PhD Students Present Talk at Carolina Games Summit
- Transportation Group Names Bottomley 'Woman of the Year'
- Fidelity Investments Speakers Series Presents Dr. Saundra Williams
- NC State Team Wins Disney Imagineering's 2012 ImagiNations Competition
- NC State to Celebrate 125 Years
- Making Energy Conservation Fun - There's an app for that!
- Putting Bells in the Tower
- Departmental Gifts & Research
- CSC Wolf Bytes
- Follow the Department on Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter!
- Personalized Job Search Agent in ePack
Scholarship Endowment to Honor Dr. Thomas Honeycutt
After more than 40 years of distinguished service to the NC State University’s Department of Computer Science, Dr. Thomas L. Honeycutt, associate professor of computer science, has announced his intentions to retire in June at the end of the 2011-2012 academic year. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Bobby R. Johnson, Jr. and his wife, Donna, have made a matching gift pledge of $50,000 to help establish the Dr. Thomas L. Honeycutt Scholarship Endowment. Learn how you can help. more
Best Paper Award Presented at CODASPY 2012
Congratulations to Wu Zhou and Yajin Zhou, PhD students, and Dr. Xuxian Jiang, assistant professor of computer science, and Dr. Peng Ning, professor of computer science in the NC State Department of Computer Science, for winning the Best Paper Award at the Second ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2012) held in San Antonio, TX on February 7-9, 2012. more
Virtual Crime Scene
Dr. Michael Young from NC State's Department of Computer Science and Tim Buie from the NC State College of Design are working on techniques to help forensic scientists virtually recreate crime scenes in 3-D. more
PhD Students Present Talk at Carolina Games Summit
Titus Barik and Rogelio Cardona-Rivera, PhD students in the NC State Department of Computer Science, presented a talk on February 4 at the Carolina Games Summit. The event, held annually at Wayne Community College in Goldsboro, NC, unites game developers, game educators, and game players, and features video game tournaments, industry speakers, educational sessions, and exhibition booths. more
Transportation Group Names Bottomley 'Woman of the Year'
Dr. Laura Bottomley, Director of the Engineering Place Outreach Program at NC State University, has been named the 2011 Woman of the Year by the NC Triangle Chapter of the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS). more
Fidelity Investments Speakers Series Presents Dr. Saundra Williams
The Fidelity Investments "Leadership in Technology" Executive Speakers Series welcomes Dr. Saundra Williams, SVP & Chief of Technology and Workforce Developmen for the NC Community College System, on March 27th @ 6 pm in 1231 EB2. His talk topic will be “Overcoming IT in Order to Support Business Functions.” Event is free and open to the public. more
NC State Team Wins Disney Imagineering's 2012 ImagiNations Competition
The winners of the annual Walt Disney Imagineering ImagiNations Desgin Competition were announced February 3 at Imagineering headquarters in Glendale CA. First Place and “Best in Show” was awarded to students Brian Gaudio, Michael Habersetzer, Andy Park and Kyle Thompson of NC State University. more
NC State to Celebrate 125 Years
For a celebration worthy of NC State’s 125th birthday, we need more than just one party. In fact, we’re going to take a whole year to celebrate and invite all our closest friends, starting with faculty, staff, students and alumni. The 125th theme, Tradition and Transformation, sets the stage to take a proud look at our past and imagine the many discoveries ahead. more
Making Energy Conservation Fun - There's an app for that!
Meet JouleBug, the little green online bug loaded with personality that helps users save energy and make choices to live more sustainably. Instead of spending your idle time playing mindless games with no intrinsic value, NC State alum Grant Williard has brought together a team that has created the JouleBug app where players earn badges by forming more earth-friendly habits, such as using compact fluorescent light bulbs, unplugging appliances that are not in use and drinking tap water rather than bottled water. more
Putting Bells in the Tower
Learn about ‘Finish the [Bell]Tower’, a student-initiated grassroots campaign, which seeks to raise money through donations and the selling of shirts to students to install the 54-bell carillon into NC State’s Memorial Tower as originally designed in 1920. more
Departmental Gifts & Research
Teradata has donated $12,500 in support of the department’s Senior Design Center and ePartners Program.
Prometheus Group has donated $5,000 in support of the department’s Senior Design Center.
Cisco has donated $10,000 in support of the department’s ePartners Program.
CrossView has donated $2,000 in support of the department’s ePartners Program
CSC Wolf Bytes
Congratulations to alumnus Ed Burnette, SAB emeritus member Wayne Clark, and associate professor Dr. Tao Xie for being selected by the ACM as 2011 Senior Members. The Senior Member Grade recognizes those ACM members with at least 10 years of professional experience and 5 years of continuous Professional Membership who have demonstrated performance that sets them apart from their peers. (complete list of winners)
We are pleased to announce that Susan Peaslee has accepted the offer to become the Assistant Contract Manager for department. Susan has been with the department for seven years, serving as an Accounting Technician. She begins her new role on March 1st, 2012.
Congratulations to PhD student Dhanwant Singh Kang for his second place finish in the “5th Annual Mid-South Grand Open” fencing tournament on February 12, 2012. Dhanwant won all of his bouts in Round #1, and most of the bouts in the direct elimination rounds. In the final bout, he lost by a very close 14-15 margin. Forty-four fencers from different clubs across NC participated in the tournament.
Follow the Department on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter!

Alumni, students, faculty, staff, and corporate partners of the NC State Department of Computer Science, interested in networking to foster collaboration, entrepreneurship, partnerships, career development and professional growth are invited to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
Personalized Job Search Agent in ePack
If you are a CSC student or recent graduate (within 12 months post-graduation) and would like to receive email notifications when new jobs are posted on ePack matching your profile, you can set up your own customized job search agent to receive just the postings you desire (intern vs. full time, etc). For a short video tutorial on how to create your own personalized job agent, click here. Experienced alumni looking for career assistance are encouraged to take advantage of NC State's Alumni Career Service.