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CSC eNewsletterWelcome to the online edition of CSC eNews, a monthly electronic newsletter for alumni and friends of the Department of Computer Science at NC State University.June 30, 2005 SDC Project Team Takes 1st Place Prize in CSIDC 2005 Competition!
This is the second time in the past 3 years that one of our project teams competing in the IEEE Computer Society International Design Competition (CSIDC) has been selected as one of the top ten in the world, and this team benefited from the lessons learned from previous competitors. The team and the SDC staff spent countless hours preparing for the event. Special thanks goes to ePartner and Centennial Campus neighbor, Integrated Industrial Information, Inc. (I-Cubed), for hosting a special preparation "dry-run" event on June 17th. Dr. Bob Fornaro, Director of Senior Design Center, credited their past experience in the competition and the feedback received during the I-cubed practice session with providing them a competitive edge in Washington. Congratulations to the team and thanks to all who helped support them. Departmental Research Grants, Gifts, and Support Thanks to SAS Institute for renewing its commitment as a Super ePartner for the coming academic year with an unrestricted gift of $25,000. Dr. Robert Funderlic & Co-PI Dr. Moody Chu of Math Department have received supplemental funding from the National Science Foundation for their research project titled "The Centroid Decomposition & Approximations to the Singular Value Decomposition" valued at $12,000. Thanks to alumna and SAB Member, Kathy Markham and her husband, Bruce for pledging $5,000 to the Diversity in Computer Science Endowment Fund. Pledges for this new endowment have now topped $70,000. The fund will provide programmatic support for programs and scholarships targeted at attracting and retaining females and minorities in the computer science discipline. Read more about Markham in a new Alumni Achiever feature article. Grad Student Wins Prestigious Cisco Scholarship
Scott Retiring After
17 Years Service William G. (Bill) Scott Jr., Director of Information Technology and Engineering Computer Services, is retiring on Thursday, June 30, after 17 years of service to the university. Scott began his career as a laboratory supervisor in the Department of Computer Science, and later became assistant department head. EBII Construction
Update Former Faculty Member Passes Away Dr. Jon Mauney, former CSC faculty, colleague and friend to many in the department died on June 10th 2005. He was 50 years old. Mauney attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on a Morehead Scholarship and was awarded a BS in Mathematics in 1977. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin - Madison in 1983, then served as a professor of Computer Science at NC State University, and continued in Raleigh as a software consultant and engineer. He was a connoisseur of food, music, and theatre, a superb cook, and had a great love of nature with a special appreciation for subtle beauty. He was active in the Raleigh Little Theatre and the Triangle Electric Auto Association, and also enjoyed wood turning and gardening. Surviving are his wife Katherine Fox Mauney; his parents, Jack and Betsy Mauney of Tempe, AZ; his brother, Thad Mauney of Billings, MT; his sister, Nina Farjadi and her husband, Jim of Thousand Oaks, CA. Tri-XML 2005 Conference:
Special Opportunity for Students
NCSU Libraries Moves
up to #17 National Ranking The NCSU Libraries has moved up five spots to No. 27 among 113 U.S. and Canadian academic library members in the membership criteria index published by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). Among the U.S. public university members, NC State advanced from No. 20 to No. 17. According to the article released recently in the Bulletin Online, the library was one of the first to remain open 24 hours per day, seven days per week during the academic year; was a pioneer in creating a Learning Technology Service to assist faculty in developing online courses; and was the very first in the nation to hire an intellectual property attorney to help both librarians and faculty interpret how copyright law protects or limits their access to information. more Faculty / Staff News We are pleased to welcome Susan Peaslee as our new Accounting Clerk. Until we move to our new building on Centennial Campus, Susan's office will be located in 226 Withers Hall. Dr. Annie Antón has been invited and officially accepted to serve as a member of the International Board of Referees for Computer & Security. Congratulations to Dr. Cliff Wang, adjunct professor and program director for the Army Research Office's information assurance program, who has been selected to attend the 2005 US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium organized by National Academy of Engineering (NAE). His selection is an honor recognizing his leading-edge engineering research. |
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In the News
Games Train Workers, North Carolina magazine; Maurer, Allan,
On-line, March 2005 Insight Racings Driverless Robotic Vehicle Selected for $2 Million Race; June 10, 2005 dBusinessNews Triangle By staff report © Copyright 2005 Upcoming Events July 28-30 - Tri-XML 2005 Conference August 17 - First Day of Classes - Fall 2005 Sept. 26-27 - Minority Career Fair Feb. 1, 2006 - ePartners Career Connection Event (tentative) Feb. 2, 2006 - Engineering Career Fair Alumni News Kathy Markham (BS, '80) Vice President of Information Systems Planning & Field Services for Kindred Healthcare in Louisville, KY, is our featured CSC Alumni Achiever this quarter. more |
This eNewsletter is sponsored for the 2004-05 academic
year by Tekelec, a computer science Super ePartners Program company.

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