Welcome New ePartner - Epic Games (2/28/2003)
We are extremely happy to welcome our newest ePartner, Epic
Games, Inc., a developer of cutting-edge computer and
video games. Based in Raleigh, NC and established in 1991,
Epic Games is best known as the creator of hit PC 3D action
games Unreal and Unreal Tournament, both award-winning blockbuster
hits having each sold more than 1 million copies. Unreal Tournament
has been recognized as the Game of the Year by many leading
gaming media outlets including Computer Gaming World, the
#1 PC games magazine, and has appeared on PC, Macintosh™
and Linux™ operating systems, Sony™ PlayStation
2 and Sega™ Dreamcast®. Epic's Unreal engine has
been licensed to several top game developers for games in
a variety of genres on multiple platforms including the PC,
Macintosh, Linux, Microsoft® Xbox and Sony PlayStation
2. Eidos'® Deus Ex, which was PC Gamer magazine's 2000
Game of the Year, and Electronic Arts’ critically acclaimed
Undying® are among the many shipping titles built using
the Unreal engine. Prior to their 3D success, Epic Games was
well known for the hit shareware games Jill of the Jungle,
Jazz Jackrabbit® and Epic Pinball. Additional information
can be obtained through Epic's Web site at www.epicgames.com.
Departmental Research Grants, Gifts, and Support (2/28/2003)
GlaxoSmithKline recently provided $44,044 in funding
to support a graduate student and industrial trainee to engage
in consulting, collaboration, research, and training related
solutions with GSK. We welcome new Corporate Friend, Southpoint
Partners which has donated two Bluetooth Network Nodes
to the department. This equipment is valued at $1,300 and
is targeted for integration in Sr Design Center applications.
Borland Software, which recently acquired Corporate
Friend TogetherSoft, has made a significant donation of approximately
350 Java related books including titles: Java Modeling Color
with UML, Java Design; Building Better Applications, and Object
Models, Strategies and Patterns. The books, written by TogetherSoft
founder Peter Coad, have a value of over $20,000 and
will be made available to our faculty for classroom use and
targeted distribution to students. Congratulations to Dr.
Frank Mueller for obtaining an NSF CAREER Development
Award for his proposal Exploiting Binary Rewriting to
Analyze and Alleviate Memory Bottlenecks for Scientific Applications.
The total amount of the award is $400,000 for five years beginning
June 1st of this year. Dr. Mueller is the 13th NCSU CSC
faculty member to have earned a NSF Career Award! Dr.
Rudra Dutta recently received funding on two proposals;
one entitled "Remote OPNET Simulation Lab Access"
funded by DELTA for $10,000, and a FRPD proposal entitled
"Traffic Grooming in Wavelength Routed Networks with
Novel Topologies" funded for $8,000. Dr. George Rouskas'
proposal entitled "Engineering Online Student Access
to Internet Lab" has been funded by DELTA for $10,000.
Dr. Rada Chirkova's FRPD proposal entitled "Self-Organizing
Databases: Near-Optimal Query Performance at all Times Using
Flexible Views" has been funded for $8,000.
Dr. KC Tai Memorial Fund Update(2/28/2003)
The “Dr. KC Tai Memorial Fund” continues to grow,
and we want to thank everyone who has contributed. Through
the generous contributions of relatives, friends, colleagues,
and former students, the fund has now grown to approximately
$10,650. A minimum of $15,000 is required to establish a permanent
"named" scholarship endowment. If you would like
to contribute to this effort, please make your check payable
to the “NC State Engineering Foundation Inc.” and
send it to Ken Tate, NCSU Department of Computer Science,
Campus Box 8206, Raleigh, NC 27695.
Industrial Advisory Council now the Strategic Advisory
For many years, the department has received valuable direction
and guidance from executives comprising our Industrial Advisory
Council. In a bold effort to recognize the strategic nature
of their work and to provide the flexibility for new membership
options, the group recently approved the change of its name
to the Strategic Advisory Board. When the group met
in Raleigh in October 2002, members expressed a strong desire
to work with the department throughout the year. Subsequently,
several SAB committees are in the works including a membership
committee, a corporate & alumni development committee,
and a departmental branding & positioning committee. Keith
Collins, CTO for SAS Institute, has been appointed the
chairperson for the board. Their next group meeting is planned
for October 16, 2003 here in Raleigh
TechEngage Conference (2/28/2003)
The ePartners Program is proud to be a among the many corporate
and educational sponsors of the inaugural TechEngage
Conference planned for Mach 10-14 here on the campus of
NC State University. TechEngage is a community-based non-profit
organization founded to provide unemployed and under-employed
technical professionals with an affordable opportunity to
obtain the high quality training they need to be competitive
in today's tough job market. The TechEngage Conference is
a five-day multi-track training event featuring top-flight
volunteer instructors, and is designed to help participants
develop their skills, learn cutting-edge technologies, and
prepare for the job-hunting process. Participants contribute
a nominal fee of $95 and volunteer 40 hours of technical services
to a local charity or make a $150 tax-deductible contribution
to the TechEngage Foundation. If successful, the group intends
to conduct similar conferences in other hard-hit technology
markets across the country. If you know someone who is unemployed,
who has two or more years of high-tech industry experience,
and who is a resident of the state of North Carolina, they
qualify to attend the TechEngage conference. Please help us
by passing along this information to your HR group or anyone
impacted by the economic downturn.
Dr. Anton in the News (2/28/2003)
Congratulations to Dr. Annie Anton for being named
to the Microsoft Research University Relations Faculty
Advisory Board. Other schools with representation on the
board include the University of California, Berkeley, University
of Utah, University of Maryland, Indiana University, Arizona
State, Yale, Columbia, and Carnegie Mellon. We are very proud
and honored to have Dr. Anton representing NCSU on this prestigious
board. In addition, Dr. Anton was featured as a "privacy
expert" on two news reports aired recently on local ABC
affiliate, WTVD Channel 11. Summaries of the news features
are available at http://www.engr.ncsu.edu/news/news_articles/anton.02.html
and http://www.engr.ncsu.edu/news/news_articles/anton.03.html.
New Leader of the Pack - Dr. Lennie Barton (2/28/2003)
Dr. Lennie Barton has been named as Associate Vice
Chancellor for Alumni Relations and Executive Director of
the NC State Alumni Association. Lennie has three degrees
from NCSU and has served the university and the College of
Textiles for over 25 years. He brings a keen understanding
of NCSU's advancement activities and priorities to his new
position and an impressive network of alumni and friends to
call upon. Lennie will begin his new job on March 1. For more
information, visit http://www.ncsu.edu/news/press_releases/03_02/49.htm.
Raif Onvural Named President & CEO of LCI (1/31/2003)
Yet another alum recently featured in an Alumni Spotlight
article, Raif
Onvural, has recently been appointed President & CEO
of Litchfield Communications Inc. (LCI) in Watertown, CT.
Prior to joining LCI, Onvural founded Orologic and eventually
sold it to Vitesse Semiconductor in RTP, NC, where he remained
as an executive until last year. Onvural graduated from NCSU
with an MS in Computer Studies ('85) and a PhD in Operations
Research ('87). Click here
to access LCI's news release on Onvural's appointment.
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