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CSC eNewsletterWelcome to the online edition of CSC eNews, a monthly electronic newsletter for alumni and friends of the Department of Computer Science at NC State University. If you are a CSC alum and wish to be added to the email distribution
list, click
here. Corporate or individual friends of the department may be added
to our distribution list by sending an email request to Ken
Tate, Director of Development & External Relations for the NCSU
Department of Computer Science. November 30, 2005 Please join us on the "Pathway to the Future"
These commemorative bricks require a donation of $150, and can be ordered through this printable online order form. By ordering your personalized brick, you will not only
become a permanent part of our campus history, you will be contributing
to the University's $1B Achieve Campaign, providing much needed funding
to support the educational goals of NC State and our department. Ordering
before December 31, 2005, will ensure that your brick is in place for
EBII's official dedication event in April 2006. more Departmental Research Grants, Gifts, and Support Network
Appliance, a world leader in unified storage solutions headquartered
in Sunnyvale, CA, has renewed its commitment as a Super ePartner
with a $25,000 unrestricted cash gift. As their presence in the
RTP area has grown, so too has their relationship with the department.
Since becoming a founding Super ePartner with the department in
2001, NetApp has provided equipment and cash donations to the departme
Microsoft Corporation recently provided the department an unrestricted gift of $1,250. Congratulations to Dr. Christopher Healey for having his proposal titled "Visualizing Network Data and Environments" funded for $40,000 by the NCSU Center for Advanced Computing & Communication. The award will run from January 1st, 2006 through August 31st, 2006. Congratulations to Dr. Rob St. Amant for having his proposal titled "Toward Cognitive Habile Agents" funded for $375,266 by the National Science Foundation. The award will run from January 1st, 2006 through December 31st, 2008. Congratulations to Dr. Vincent Freeh for being selected by Corporate Friend, IBM, to receive a 2005 IBM Faculty Award valued at $30,000. This highly competitive award recognizes the quality of Dr. Freeh's program and its importance to the industry. CSC Faculty and Staff Move to EBII is Underway
Candidates Sought for Alumni "Wall of Fame" in EBII As we move into EBII, our new home on Centennial Campus, we have set aside some prime space to honor the accomplishments of our alumni. Our distinguished alumni include innovators with patents and software applications which have changed our lives, founders of large Fortune 500 companies, individuals who have made significant contributions to National Security and space exploration, winners of prestigious awards, recognized leaders in business and academia, and so much more - some we know of, but many we do not. If you are an alum of the department, or know of an alum with extraordinary accomplishments you feel are worthy of recognition on our "Wall of Fame", please contact Ken Tate at 919-513-4292 or kmtate2@ncsu.edu. CSC Corporate Partners Well Represented at NCTA Awards Banquet Congratulations to all those companies recognized by the North
Carolina Technology Association (NCTA) for outstanding contributions
to the technology industry in North Carolina during their NCTA 21 Awards
Banquet on November 17th. Winners with strong ties to the department
Diploma Ceremony Planned for Meymandi Concert Hall on December 14th
"Posters & Pies" Event to Showcase Senior Projects - Dec 5th You are cordially invited to the NCSU Computer Science Senior Design Center's "Posters & Pies" event on Monday, December 5, 2005 from 1:00 - 3:30 pm. This semester, the event will be held at Stewart Theatre in the Talley Student Center and will be hosted by Super ePartners, EMC and SAS. In a fast-paced and stimulating format, each of our student teams will give a concise 2-minute presentation on their senior design projects in the main theatre. After the presentations, attendees will have the opportunity to visit the Ballroom for refreshments and access to hands-on demonstrations and displays. Companies interested in sponsoring future projects are welcomed and encouraged to attend. Please register your planned attendance at http://www.csc.ncsu.edu/rsvp/posters-pies/ by Nov 30th, so that we may properly plan for this special event. Due to an unexpected increase in enrollment, we have a limited number of project slots which have just opened up for the spring semester. If you are interested in securing one of the remaining spring 2006 project slots, please contact Ken Tate at 919-513-4292 or kmtate2@ncsu.edu as soon as possible. CSC Faculty / Staff News
In mid-November, Dr. Michael Young, assistant professor of computer science, served as a guest speaker at the e-Learning Summit in Memphis, TN. His presentation was entitled "Computer-Supported Story Construction for Narrative Learning Environments: Lessons Needed". He also served as one of the keynote speakers at IE2005 - Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment, held in late November in Sydney, Australia. His keynote was entitled "Building Blocks for a Computational Model of Interactive Narrative". more Ginny Adams, faculty secretary, has been selected by the College of Engineering as one of the recipients of the October 2005 Pride of the Wolfpack Awards. Congratulations Ginny. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.
We regret to announce the departure of two staff members this month - Vilma Berg and James Robinson. Vilma, who served as graduate office admissions specialist and counselor, has accepted a position in the Graduate Office of the Communication Studies Department at UNC-CH. James, a senior technical staff member in our Centennial Networking Lab (CNL), has accepted a senior information systems engineer role with CALS here at NC State. In this new role, James will be the lead architect on a large multimillion dollar project called the National eXtension Initiative. Please join us in thanking both these individuals for their outstanding service to the department and wishing them well in their new roles. |
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In the News
NC State Receives Funding to Develop New Drug-Discovery Methods, Dr. Robert Funderlic involved, dBusinessNews Triangle, by staff report, November 15, 2005 Getting serious about innovation in N.C., News & Observer, by Dr. Alan Tharp, November 8, 2005 Putting the 'E' in E-Learning, interview featuring Dr. Donald Bitzer, Momentum Magazine, by Bill Seil, October 26, 2005 Upcoming Events Dec 5 - SDC "Posters & Pies" Event Dec 14 - Fall Graduation & Diploma Ceremony Feb. 1, 2006 - ePartners Career Connection Event (tentative) Feb. 2, 2006 - Engineering Career Fair April 28, 2006 - EBII Dedication Ceremony Alumni News Transloc Inc. co-founders and CSC alumni (l-r) Joshua Whiton (BS '04), Justin Harris (BS '04), Dominique Bischof (BS '03, MS '04), and Jesse Lovelace (BS '05). See story in October 2005 eNews. This eNewsletter is sponsored for the 2005-06 academic year by Network Appliance, a computer science Super ePartners Program company. |

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