CSC News
NC State Selected as a CUDA Teaching Center

The NVIDIA CUDA Teaching Center at NC State is targeting computer science classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels including outreach to other disciplines. NC State has deployed ARC, an HPC cluster with NVIDIA Fermi Tesla GPUs to foster research and education in massively parallel processing as well as large computational simulations.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has developed a novel curriculum to teach parallelism early within the undergraduate computer science curriculum, and NC State will adopt and expand this curriculum. Starting with shared-memory parallelism of four, eight or even 32 multicores in modern CPUs, we will leapfrog to massive multicores with 240-448 cores in graphics processing units (GPUs). This effort reflects current trends in computer architecture and requires novel educational paradigms to prepare students for this challenge and associated changes in the design and implementation of algorithms.
Dr. Frank Mueller, professor of computer science, will serve as the principal investigator of the project.
NC State also was designated a NVIDIA CUDA Research Center in 2010. To see related story, click here.
For more information on the NVIDIA CUDA Teaching Center at NC State, click here.
For more information on the NVIDIA CUDA Teaching Center Program, click here.
For more information on Dr. Mueller, click here.
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