CSC News

February 24, 2004

Call for Papers: 13th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Undergraduates in all departments at NC State University engaged in scholarly research and creative projects under the supervision of one or more mentors are encouraged to participate in the 13th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium by submitting their abstracts and applications by 5:00 p.m. April 2, 2004.

Scheduled for April 22, 2004, in the Talley Student Center Grand Ballroom, the Symposium will continue its strong encouragement of interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research contributions.

Presentations will be made on 3 X 4 ft posters mounted on newly purchased individual easels. Students unable to present at this April 22, 2004 Symposium will have a second chance to show their work. The Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium is scheduled for August 5, 2004, at McKimmon Center and the Triangle Undergraduate Research Symposium is scheduled for November 6, 2004 at a location to be announced.

Detailed information about the NC State Undergraduate Research Symposium and the call for papers can be found at:

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