CSC News
“Pure Modness” a Finalist in 2012 LuLu eGames

NC State’s Entrepreneurship Initiative, in partnership with LuLu, hosts the annual eGames event for teams of students from all disciplines to collaborate to develop solutions to real world challenges. The LuLu eGames are open to all NC State students, and offers medals and prizes totaling up to $30,000. Team and individual competition opportunities are available in areas that include but are not limited to web/IT development, B2B and retail products and services, bio tech and energy, as well as social nonprofit, and education development.
Pure Modness is an interactive video game designed to help stimulate mental cognition through a variety of mini games. The majority of the games are mathematically based with the name “Pure Modness” drawing inspiration from the Modulo operation in mathematics.

Even though Pure Modness did not place in the competition, Arnold said, “Overall the eGames was an extremely enlightening experience. Being selected from over 100 entries was certainly motivating, as it confirmed the relevancy of such a product in today’s market… My loss served only to motivate me to provide an even more enchanting product next year for the LuLu eGames. I would encourage other computer science students that have great ideas to cultivate and share them, as they could certainly win big with an opportunity like the eGames!”
For more information on the LuLu eGames, click here.
For a complete list of finalists and semi-finalists, click here.
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