CSC News
May 28, 2014
Alumnus Collaborates on New Psychology Book
A recently published book entitled “Social Skills Assessment Through Games: The New Best Practice” features Dr. Jim Thomas, a 2011 PhD alumnus of the NC State Computer Science Department, and a member of the NC State Liquid Narrative research group. Thomas is a researcher and leader at 3C Institute, an organization that develops programs to improve social and emotional learning for children and adolescents. At 3C Institute, he helps to design and develop computer-based tutoring systems to help students practice and improve social skills.
About the book: The book is published by 3C Institute and explores the advantages of using game-based platforms to assess children’s social skills by reviewing relevant social skills and developmental psychology research literature, examining traditional approaches for assessing children’s social skills and social functioning, and providing insight into how game-based social skills assessments can be used to inform and enhance social interventions with children in schools and at home. The book is intended to help clinicians, educators and parents understand various traditional and game-based social skills assessment approaches and make informed decisions about which methods best meet their needs and the needs of the children being assessed.
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