CSC News
Anyanwu Ogan Receives Award for Mobile Network Study

The award will run from June 1, 2014 to July 31, 2014.
Abstract – BOSH performs test and evaluation of different wireless transmission links, particularly data links transporting Full Motion Video. Transmission may be air-to- ground, air-to-air, ground-to-ground, or ground-to-ground from different ranges and line-of-sight altitudes, such as from aircraft at different attitudes, and under different environmental conditions. Most of the post-test analysis is based on capture IP traffic and is manpower intensive. BOSH is seeking ways to improve and automate data capture and analysis.
The proposed project will involve a reasoned and in-depth analysis of BOSH's heterogeneous data environment and their data analyses problems and an assessment of available open-source big data frameworks (or potential extensions to such frameworks) as a suitable foundation for BOSH's network data analytics platform. The result of this study will be recorded in a whitepaper.
For more information on Dr. Anyanwu Ogan, click here.
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