CSC News
Williams Named Acting Head of Computer Science Department

Williams serves as co-director of the NC State Science of Security Lablet, and leads the Software Engineering Realsearch research group at NC State. With her students in the Realsearch group, she has been working collaboratively with high tech industries like ABB Corporation, Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, Red Hat, Sabre Airline Solutions, SAS, Tekelec (now Oracle), and numerous healthcare IT companies.
Williams received her PhD in Computer Science from the University of Utah, her MBA from Duke University Fuqua School of Business, and her BS in Industrial Engineering from Lehigh University. She worked for IBM for nine years before returning to academia.
In addition, the department is pleased to announce that Mr. John Streck, Director of the Institute for NEXT Generation IT Systems (ITng) will serve as Acting Assistant Department Head during this period. Streck’s focus will be on technical and physical operations of the department.
Both appointments are effective December 15, 2014.
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