CSC News

May 14, 2015

Mueller Receives Humboldt Research Award

Congratulations to Dr. Frank Mueller, professor of computer science at NC State, on receiving a prestigious Humboldt Research Award for a one-year research visit in Germany that began in July 2014. The award was presented at an award ceremony on March 27, 2015, by the president of the Humboldt Foundation, Prof. Dr. Schwarz (pictured at right with Mueller).
Mueller was recognized for being an international expert on fault-tolerance and performance analysis/tuning in high-performance computing. He has made many important contributions to improve runtime systems, programming languages, and compilers for parallel/distributed computing systems and real-time systems. More recently, he focused on algorithms that trade off resilience, power and performance of high-end computing systems, including the investigation of feedback control methods under service-level-agreement constraints. During his visit to Germany, Mueller’s host is Dr. Alexander Reinefeld at Zuse Institute Berlin.

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