CSC News
Shen Receives Google Faculty Research Award

Google Research Awards are one-year awards structured as unrestricted gifts to universities to support the work of world-class full-time faculty members at top universities around the world. The intent of the Awards is to support cutting-edge research in computer science, engineering, and related fields. Each funded project is assigned a Google sponsor. The role of the sponsor is to support the project by discussing research directions, engaging with professors and students, and overseeing collaboration between the project team at Google. Award recipients are encouraged to visit Google and give talks related to their work and meet with relevant research groups there.
Shen joined NC State in August 2014 as a Chancellor’s Faculty Excellence Program cluster hire in Data-driven Science. He is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science. His research lies in the broad field of programming systems, with an emphasis on enabling data-intensive high performance computing and intelligent computing through innovations in both compilers and runtime systems. He has been particularly interested in capturing large-scale program behavior patterns, in both data accesses and code executions, and exploiting them for scalable and efficient computing in a heterogeneous, massively parallel environment. His research leverages multidisciplinary techniques, from Compiler Technology to Machine Learning, Programming Languages, and Computational Theory. For more information on Dr. Shen, click here.
For more information on Google Faculty Research Awards, click here.
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