CSC News
Congratulations to the CSC Fall 2015 Graduates!

Relatives, friends, and guests gathered to celebrate with the graduates. This fall’s graduating class included 17 Ph.D., 121 M.S., and 82 B.S. degrees expanding the department’s alumni base to well over 7,600. The top employers for this semester’s graduates are Amazon, IBM, Facebook, Bank of America, Cisco, and NetApp.
The undergraduate class included four Valedictorians (perfect 4.0 GPA): Avriel Harvey, Jonathan Poston, Nikolay Titov, and Christopher Woodlief; one Computer Science Honors Program participant: Emily Sharp; three University Scholars Program participants: Rhett Bodford, Katelyn Harris, and Christopher Woodlief; and numerous members of a variety of scholastic honor societies.
We were honored to have Robert T. “Bob” Geolas, President and CEO of the Research Triangle Foundation of North Carolina, serve as our keynote speaker.
As President and CEO of the Foundation, Geolas works daily to create a stronger Research Triangle Park (RTP) for the benefit of people across all of North Carolina. He is leading the first redevelopment effort in RTP’s 50-year history, and is working towards re-inventing the Park to meet the demands of the 21st Century.
He brings more than 20 years of experience to RTP and has a proven track record of leveraging world-class education, research and business activities. Prior to his current role, Geolas was the Executive Director of the Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR) and in his earlier career Bob led North Carolina State University’s Centennial Campus and Centennial Biomedical Campus.

Our special thanks go to the Computer Science Department ePartners Program, its participating corporate sponsors, and the NC State Engineering Foundation for their generous sponsorship of this event.
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