CSC News
Spring 2016 Diploma Ceremonies Set for May 6th
Because of the large size of our graduating class and our desire to not limit the number of guests, the NC State University Computer Science Department will hold two spring diploma ceremonies on Friday, May 6th in the main sanctuary at Providence Baptist Church, located at 6339 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh (directions). The ceremony for Computer Science graduate students (Masters and PhD) will take place at 10:00 a.m. The ceremony for undergraduates will take place at 2:00 p.m.

Lomax is the executive vice president of Discovery-Science-Technology (DST), leading a group of more than 350 staff members in the Discovery Sciences, Forensic Sciences, Electronics and Applied Physics, Technology for Industry and the Environment, and Energy Technology organizations within DST. She previously served as vice chancellor for Research, Innovation & Economic Development at NC State University, overseeing research policy, private and governmental partnerships, and planning and administration for research, innovation and economic development efforts. She also served as a professor of plant biology at NC State.
Lomax is a noted researcher in the areas of space biology, plant sensory genomics, and hormone action. She has given more than 100 presentations and published more than 60 articles, including several in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. She has been named a Fulbright Fellow, Carnegie Fellow, National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow and Monsanto Research Fellow. She holds a doctorate from Stanford University, a master’s degree from San Diego State University, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Washington.
Approximately 240 graduates are expected to receive their degrees during the two ceremonies. Our special thanks go to the NC State Engineering Foundation and the ePartners Program for their generous sponsorship of this event.
For the convenience of guests who might require overnight accommodations, there are a number of hotels located in the immediate area. For more information, click here.
NOTE TO GRADUATES: For the benefit of relatives and friends who may not be able to attend the event in person, the event will be available online via live video streaming at
There are several ways to commemorate this special occasion. As each graduate is handed his/her diploma, a professional photographer will take his/her picture. A free color proof will be sent to each graduate’s current mailing address, including a password for online viewing. There is no obligation to purchase prints. To receive email notification when photos are online, please visit to pre-register. If a proof is not received within a week of the ceremony, please contact or call 1-800-722-7033.
In addition, Providence Baptist Church provides ample free parking, comfortable accommodations, and professional AV capabilities allowing for live broadcast of the ceremony from multiple cameras angles. DVDs of the ceremony are available for a nominal $25 processing fee. Contact Tammy Coates for more information.
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