CSC News
July 05, 2016
Summer Camp – There Must Be An App for That!
What happens when you put 60+ high school students together with Android phones and AppInventor? You get some really creative applications (apps) like: “Interactive Periodic Table” (you tap on an element group and get expanded information), “Don’t Hit State!” (an interactive ball tossing game where hitting the UNC logo gives you two points; hit Duke’s logo and you get one), “Melody Magic” (an app requiring you to mimic musical notes), or “PacMan’s Revenge” (you play as “Blinky” the ghost to avoid PacMan).
The students created these apps during the Computer Science “There Must Be an App for That!” summer camps held in June as part of the College of Engineering’s Summer Programs.
The Computer Science department hosted four independent summer camps (both residential - the students stay on campus in residence halls, and day camps) providing the students with an introduction to computer science through a variety of fun and exciting hands-on projects such as the invention of the above-mentioned Android apps using AppInventor. Students worked on their projects, but they were also able to experience NC State, and college life. They worked on their projects for four days, then on Friday presented their work during a poster session where they could demonstrate their apps to family, friends, faculty and staff.
Photos of the 2016 camps can be found here.
To learn more about the Computer Science camps, click here.
For more information on the College of Engineering’s Summer Programs, click here.
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