CSC News
Army Research Office Supports Sullivan’s Research on Algorithms for Network Science
Dr. Blair Sullivan, associate professor of computer science at NC State University, has been awarded $538,199 by US Army – Army Research Office to support her research proposal entitled “Algorithms for Exploiting Approximate Network Structure (Research Area 10: Network Science).”
The award will run from May 15, 2017 to May 14, 2020.
Abstract – We propose a new framework for efficient, robust, and noise-tolerant network algorithms that guarantee near-optimal solutions to NP-hard problems by exploiting structure inherent in real-world networks. We model networks as consisting of a majority that belongs to a structural graph class, plus a few deviations resulting from measurement errors, unusual behaviors, and/or unexplained exceptions. We will develop algorithms which exploit this more approximate form of graph structure and guarantee near-optimal solutions and polynomial running time for any network that is “close'' to a structural graph class, initially focusing on hierarchical/tree-like networks (e.g. those arising in biology and social behavior).
For more information on Dr. Sullivan, click here.
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