CSC News
March 29, 2005
CSC Alumna Reappointed to NCSU Board of Trustees

At its meeting in Chapel Hill last week, the University of North Carolina Board of Governors approved several new appointments and reappointments to the NC State University Board of Trustees. Among those approved for reappointment to a second four-year term was CSC alumna, Suzanne Gordon of Cary, NC. Gordon received both her BS in computer science and mathematics and her MS in statistics from NC State. She is the chief information officer and vice president of information technology at SAS in Cary. Gordon was named a ComputerWorld Premier 100 IT leader in 2003. She has served on NC State’s Alumni Association Board and on the College of Management Advisory Board. She is also a frequent speaker and mentor to women pursuing technical careers, and is active in a medical ministry that provides services to low-income individuals.
For more information, see the press release at
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