CSC News
Computer Game Development Showcase set for May 4

Projects to be shown during the showcase are the result of semester-long collaborative efforts between teams formed from students in Computer Science's course on Computer Game Design and Development and Industrial Design's 3D Realtime Modeling and Animation Studio. Each team will present a completed 3D game with custom artwork, 3D models, game play, character AI and interface design developed by the team members.
The event will begin at 8:30PM with a series of presentations by the project teams introducing their games. Following the presentations, all games will be accessible at PCs set up in the auditorium, providing attendees the opportunity to play the games and talk with the developers to learn more about the art and science that went into their construction. The event is free and open to the public. More details can be found at the showcase web page and at the class website.
by Dr. Michael Young
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