CSC News
Guo Receives ACM SIGBED Early Career Award
Congratulations to Dr. Zhishan Guo, associate professor in the NC State Computer Science Department,
on winning the 2023 Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group
on Embedded Systems (ACM SIGBED) Early Career Award.
"It is my great honor to receive the award. I really appreciate the support and recognition from ACM SIGBED," said Guo. "It is encouraging me to contribute more to the research community, both in technical research, and in service."
ACM SIGBED is a focal point for all aspects of embedded computing systems, including both software and hardware. Its Early Career Researcher Award recognizes “outstanding contributions by early career investigators in the area of embedded, real-time and cyber-physical systems." Recipients are chosen for their entire body of work, not just a particular project or two, based on their impact in the field.
Guo’s research focuses on
real-time scheduling and machine learning theory with applications to
cyber-physical systems (CPS). CPS features seamless integration of
computing with the physical world, and is one of the department's new
research focus domains. CPS is the next generation of safety-critical
embedded control systems, in domains spanning from autonomous vehicles,
industrial automation, and advanced manufacturing, to medical devices and
systems, energy-efficient buildings, and smart cities. Guo and his students are
creating ways to build such systems more safely and efficiently with provable
According to csrankings, Guo has been one of the most active researchers
in the domain of real-time and embedded systems in the world for the past five
years. He also actively publishes in other domains such as design automation
and machine learning. He has received several recognitions and awards,
including the National Science Foundation CRII Award in 2017, the UCF Reach for
the Stars Award in 2022 (only five per year awarded among all 13 colleges at
UCF), the Best Student Paper Award (with his PhD student Ashik Ahmed
Bhuiyan) and the Outstanding Paper Award at RTSS in 2019 - the top conference
in the area of real-time systems, as well as the Best Paper Award at the EMSOFT
conference in 2020 - the top conference in the area of embedded system
software, which is organized and sponsored by ACM SIGBED.
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