CSC News
Samatova Award to Study Scalable High Performance Data Analytics Approaches $1M

The new award will run from October 4, 2007 through August 31, 2009.
Research Abstract - Terascale computing and high-throughput experiments enable studies of complex natural phenomena, on a scale not possible just a few years ago. With this opportunity, comes a new problem - the massive quantities of complex data produced by these simulations and experiments. However, answers to fundamental questions about the nature of the universe remain largely hidden in these data. The goal of this work is to provide a scalable high performance data analytics technologies to help application scientists extract knowledge from these raw data. Towards achieving this goal, this subcontract will research a number of challenging issues, develop methodologies for addressing them, and provide proof-of-principle demonstrations on the DOE-related applications.
For more information about Dr. Samatova, click here.
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