CSC News

January 14, 2009

Williams’ Paper is a “Top Pick” in IEEE Software’s 25th Anniversary Issue

Dr. Laurie Williams, associate professor of computer science at NC State University, has been honored by having one of her co-authored papers selected by IEEE Software’s editorial and advisory boards as one of its “25th Anniversary Top Picks” for full-length, peer-reviewed articles. 

The article, “Strengthening the Case for Pair Programming,” was co-authored by Robert R. Kessler, Ward Cunningham, and Ron Jeffries, and appeared in the July/August 2000 issue of IEEE Software.

Between 1984 and 2008, IEEE Software published more than 1,200 full-length, peer-reviewed articles.  As part of the magazine’s 25th Anniversary celebration, the magazine’s editorial and advisory boards chose a compact list of recommended reading.

The entire list of the 35 selected articles was announced in IEEE Software’s January/February 2009 issue.

To select the “Top Picks,” the magazine relied on three sources: nominations, web analytics and citation statistics.  They invited members of Software’s boards as well as former editors-in-chief to nominate their favorite full-length, peer-reviewed articles that appeared either in a special focus section or as a standalone piece.  This call for nominations generated 37 titles.  They augmented this initial set using the remaining two sources.  Web analytics consisted of download data from IEEE’s digital libraries, and citation statistics were based on Thomson ISI data from 1984 to mid-2008. 

The selection committee’s evaluations rated the articles according to historical importance, appeal to Software readers, information value, applicability, popularity, and relevance.  They didn’t ask the committee to reassess an article’s publication worthiness, just its relative worthiness of being singled out as recommended reading.  The resulting list of 35 articles represented, in the committee’s opinion, the best of the bunch.

Williams’ paper was also selected as one of “The IEEE Software’s Most Cited Articles” as covered here.
The mission of IEEE Software is to be the best source of reliable, useful, peer-reviewed information for leading software practitioners – the developers and managers who want to keep up with rapid technology change.  The magazine is published by the IEEE Computer Society (CS), the world’s leading organization of computing professionals. The CS is dedicated to advancing the theory and application of computer and information-processing technology.  Founded in 1946, and currently with over 85,000 members, the CS is the largest of the 39 societies of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

For more information on Dr. Williams, click here.

For more information on IEEE Software , click here.

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