CSC News
Doyle Receives Research Award from MIT
Dr. Jon Doyle, SAS Institute professor of computer science at NC State University, has been awarded $83,377 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to support his research proposal titled “Formal Models of Belief Change in Cultural Context.”
The award will run from December 1, 2008 to May 30, 2010.
Abstract – This project aims to better understand the process by which one can change the beliefs and preferences of population in different cultures. Formal models of belief change in individuals and populations will be developed. The ongoing MURI effort on “Computational Models for Belief Revision, Group Decisions, and Cultural Shifts” will be used as a starting point, but work will be focused on developing models that exploit formal notions of entrenchment, habit, and mental inertia.
For more information on Dr. Doyle, click here.
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