CSC News

August 28, 2009

Fidelity Investments "Leadership in Technology" Executive Speakers Series Fall Speakers Announced

Thanks to the continued support of Super ePartner, Fidelity Investments, the Department of Computer Science at NC State University is very pleased to announce an exciting and engaging slate of speakers during the Fall 2009 semester for the Fidelity Investments “Leadership in Technology” Executive Speakers Series.

The Fall 2009 line-up of speakers includes:

Tuesday, September 29
Jim Whitehurst, President & CEO of Red Hat
Topic "
The Open Source Opportunity"

Thursday, October 22
Theresa Payton, Former White House CIO
Topic "
Do you want to be a Cyber Warrior?"

Tuesday, November 10
Donald A. Thompson, Jr, President & CEO of I-Cubed
Topic - “
The Three C's to Win in Today's Economic Environment


Dr. Mladen Vouk, professor and department head, comments, “We are very thankful to Fidelity Investment’s for their continued support of this series, and we are pleased to kick off our third year with such a diverse and accomplished group of speakers.”

Created and hosted by the NC State Department of Computer Science, the Fidelity Investments "Leadership in Technology" Executive Speakers Series was created to provide students of all disciplines, as well as the extended university and business community, exposure to the unique world of leadership in technology.

brain-096_3.jpgThe series, launched as a part of the computer science department's 40th Year Celebrations in 2007 and made possible by a generous donation by Fidelity Investments, features accomplished and highly recognizable entrepreneurs, leaders and executives to speak on a variety of technology-focused leadership topics. The variety and quality of the speakers (such as Marshall Brain, author, TV personality, and founder of, pictured here) has resulted in the series quickly becoming known as one of the premiere speakers series on campus.

All talks are scheduled to take place at 6 pm in Room 1231 at EBII (unless noted otherwise), the department's state-of-the-art research and teaching home on NC State's award-winning Centennial Campus.

Each talk will be free and open to the public. Free parking is available in the deck on Partners Way. (
directions & map).

For more information including speaker bios, talk abstracts, and videos of previous talks, please consult the
Fidelity Investments “Leadership in Technology” Executive Speakers Series page or contact:

Ken Tate
Director of Development & External Relations
NC State Department of Computer Science



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