CSC News

September 28, 2009

Yu Receives NSF Award to Support Security Workshops

Dr. Ting Yu, associate professor of computer science at NC State University, has been awarded $29,960 by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support a series of workshops on “Security in Emerging Areas” at the 2009 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security.

The award will run from October 15, 2009 to March 31, 2010.

Abstract - This is a grant request to support the series of workshops on security in emerging areas that are affiliated with the 2009 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), and will be held on November 9 and 13, 2009 in Chicago, IL. CCS workshops are active forums for researchers to form focus groups, discuss and collaborate on emerging and critical security problems, and disseminate fresh, revolutionary (and sometimes even controversial) ideas. These workshops also serve as natural venues to bring together researchers from multiple disciplines to address security issues in specific domains, such as health care, cloud computing and national critical infrastructures.

For more information on Dr. Yu, click here.


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