CSC News
Lester Receives Award to Study Objectives Using Spoken Text
Dr. James Lester, professor of computer science at NC State University, has been awarded $60,000 by the University of Rochester (Battelle) to support his research proposal titled “JOUST: Justification for Objectives Using Spoken Text.”
The award will run May 11, 2009 through May 10, 2010.
Abstract: The project will explore and identify the key technical challenges involved in producing justifications for recommendations regarding objectives and plans using spoken or textual natural language. Existing decision support systems generally provide little or no such justification for their actions, making it difficult for even well-trained users to trust them. JOUST-enabled systems will provide justifications that are relevant to the user's objectives and mission, aware of the user's context and environment, and expressed naturally using language appropriate to both the task and the user.
For more information on Dr. Lester, click here.
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