
Dr. Collin F. Lynch is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at North Carolina State University. His primary research is focused on the development of robust intelligent tutoring systems and adaptive educational systems for Ill-Defined domains such as scientific writing, law, and software development. He completed his doctoral research in Intelligent Systems at the University of Pittsburgh where he was affiliated with the Learning Research and Development Center. His doctoral dissertation work focused on the use of argument diagrams to teach and diagnose student-produced arguments. For that work he developed a novel Augmented Graph Grammar system and applied it to the analysis of student-produced argument diagrams and the prediction of subsequent essay grades. Dr. Lynch completed his post-doctoral work at NCSU where he worked on the development of Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Logic and Probability, studied new algorithms for student modeling and hint provision, and examined the impact of social networks on student performance.  His current research includes work on: argument mining and natural language processing; real-time support for classroom orchestration and writing to learn tasks; advances in student modeling; the development of embodied cognitive agents for collaborative learning; and scaffolding for CS education.

Research Areas

  • Advanced Learning Technologies
  • Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents
  • Data Sciences and Analytics


  • Ph.D. in Intelligent Systems University of Pittsburgh (2104)
  • M.S. in Intelligent Systems University of Pittsburgh (2011)
  • B.A. Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence Hampshire College (2000)