NC State University

Department of Computer Science Colloquia 2000-2001

Date: Thursday, November 30, 2000
Time: 4: 00 PM (talk)
Place: 402A Withers, NCSU Historical Campus (click for courtesy parking request)

Speaker: Ken Auer, RoleModel Software, Inc.

Keeping Software Soft

Abstract: The only reason software development is like any other kind of "hard" engineering is because we don't exploit its unique characteristics! But what would it look like if we took advantage of those characteristics? Can we get reliable results at a sustained velocity without sacrificing reliability? Yes, we can.

Extreme Programming (XP) is disciplined approach to software development that has been producing impressive results and getting a lot of
people talking. Many say it cannot work. Others are doing it and seeing great results.

So what is XP? Our presenter will present the premise upon which XP is founded and a short discussion of the practices that hold it together.

Short Bio: Ken Auer is the president and founder of RoleModel Software, Inc. whose mission is to provide leadership in the development of robust, flexible software assets that help meet its client's business needs for today and tomorrow. Mr. Auer has an excellent track record of results in a variety of business and technical roles. His experience as a Developer, Technical Leader, Instructor, Project Manager, and Director increases his effectiveness as he skillfully balances the business and people sides of software with the technical side to maximize "real progress" toward his clients' goals. In late 1998, RoleModel Software began building the first eXtreme Programming Software Studio based on his vision. Mr. Auer has been successfully applying his skills and experience in object technology to a variety of real-world projects and organizations since 1985. He is well-known for his expertise in object technology through many published materials and his frequent participation in industry conferences, panels and workshops, and is currently co-authoring a book called Extreme Programming Applied. Prior to founding RoleModel Software in 1997, Mr. Auer served as Director of Applied Technology at Knowledge Systems Corporation (KSC) in
Cary, N.C.

Hosts:  L. Williams, Computer Science, NCSU

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