Date: Wednesday, December 5, 2001
Time: 1:30 PM (talk)
Place: 1404 Williams, NCSU Historical Campus
(click for courtesy parking request)
Speaker: Jeffrey Blanchard , National Center for Genome Resources
Interpreting sequence, expression and phenotype data in the context of cellular interaction models
Abstract: What is the difference between two cells? Intuitively, the answer will be dependent on the genotype, developmental stage, location, and current environment of the cells. The answer will also be dependent on integrating knowledge derived from many different chemical and biological experimental data sets. We will describe our approach to building cellular network models using data derived from a curated database of cellular interactions, PathDB. We have implemented several tools that allow the de novo construction, extension, visualization and manipulation of cellular networks. By using NCGR's integration platform (ISYS) synchronized with other publicly available database and tools we can use the model cellular or subcellular networks to interpret large-scale measurements such as gene expression arrays. Using information in the PathDB relational database one can distinguish between known routes and novel (newly) discovered routes and determine the statistical likelihood of the routes in the context of a set of expression measurements.
Short Bio: Jeffrey Blanchard received his Ph.D. in Botany in 1995. He was a postdoctoral associate with Dr. M. Lynch of the University of Oregon and also did postdoctoral research at the Promega Corporation. He joined the National Center for Genome Resources in 2000. His past research topics have included the measurement of deleterious mutation rates and the detection of genes that have migrated from organelles to the nucleus.
Host: J. Thorne , Department of Statistics, NCSU