Seminars & Colloquia
Susan McDaniel
"Project-Based Learning in Programming Courses"
Wednesday December 09, 2009 10:00 AM
Location: 3211, EBII NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)
Project based learning (PBL) is a student-centered, project (or problem) centered method of teaching that brings real world projects into the classroom. PBL emphasizes application, analysis, synthesis, and creativity. Students are better able to extend and apply concepts learned to life and work situations than in courses where these are not the norm. I will explore the following questions: What is PBL (and what is not)?, Why use PBL in introductory programming courses?, and What are the barriers to using PBL in introductory programming courses? I will then present a partial syllabus for a course such as CSC 116 and possible assessments.
Ms. Susan McDaniel has a varied background in blue collar and white collar areas. The common thread in these diverse areas is teaching. She has degrees in Elementary Education and Computer Science and has taught at the apprenticeship, undergraduate, and graduate levels. Ms. McDaniel has developed course materials for each of these levels and also developed a North Carolina state approved apprenticeship program. She is an active volunteer in non-profit organizations and enjoys quilting, cycling, and gardening.
Host: Dr. Dennis Bahler, NCSU