Seminars & Colloquia

Philip Guo


"Programming On Demand: Wrangling, Iterating, and Opportunistic Learning"

Monday February 18, 2013 09:30 AM
Location: 3211, EBII NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)



Most people who write computer programs today are not CS majors or professional software engineers. Millions of people such as computational researchers, business analysts, data scientists, and statisticians write programs on-demand to discover insights from data. This talk will present three tools I have built to support and educate this large and growing class of nonprofessional programmers: 1.) Proactive Wrangler is a mixed-initiative end-user programming tool that alleviates the tedium of cleaning and reformatting data. 2.) Burrito is an experiment management and note-taking system that serves as a virtual lab assistant. 3.) Online Python Tutor is a Web-based program state visualizer that over 200,000 people have used as a supplement to learning on-demand from digital textbooks, Web-based tutorials, and MOOCs. I will conclude with my future research plans at the convergence of HCI, software engineering, and educational technology.

Short Bio:

Philip J. Guo works on educational technology and programmer productivity tools at Google. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University in 2012 and S.B. and M.Eng. Degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT in 2006, winning the annual department master's thesis award. His research passions span the areas of HCI, software engineering, and educational technology. In addition to publishing papers, he loves creating software and writing online articles that impact hundreds of thousands of people. Visit for more details.

Host: Emerson Murphy-Hill, Computer Science, NCSU

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