Seminars & Colloquia

Joseph Washington


"Introduction to Enterprise Blockchain with Hyperledger Fabric with a Specific Example"

Tuesday November 12, 2019 06:00 PM
Location: 1231, EB2 NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)


Abstract: This talk will summarize the key elements of an Enterprise Blockchain Application, refer to specific use case of Contingent Labor, running at, as well as the consensus mechanism beneath Hyperledger Fabric.
Short Bio: Since 2008, when he started as an intern at IBM (while in grad school at NC State), Joseph Washington has worked with some of best thinkers, tackling the biggest challenges facing global industries. For instance in his first full time position at IBM, Joseph tackled Semiconductor transistor scaling beyond Moore’s law in 2011. After that, it was migrating and supporting workloads on IBM cloud’s docker / kubernetes service in 2015. And then, there was using Watson to quickly respond to Sev1 events as well as transforming legacy business processes within the CIO in 2017. In his current role, as the technical owner for the Contingent Labor App running on IBM Blockchain, Joseph helps manage and architect the technical needs for the application and the resulting Blockchain network.

Host: ACM/AITP Student Chapter, CSC

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