Graduate Program - Master of Computer Science (Distance Education)
The Master of Computer Science (Distance Education) program is a terminal professional degree program designed primarily to meet the needs of working professionals. The degree is based on course work only; no thesis or comprehensive examination is required. MCS-DE students typically take one or two courses a semester.
Courses are provided in streaming video form through the Engineering Online (EOL) program. Course work and results are exchanged electronically, and exams are taken (under properly proctored conditions) at the student's site. Students have the same access and privileges that on-campus students enjoy, and are encouraged to interact fully with their instructors and fellow students. Courses in most cases are simply recorded versions of on-campus courses, and as such have exactly the same content and requirements as would be experienced by any other graduate student. MCS-DE students may, if they so desire and are able, attend on-campus courses as well. The diploma and transcript indicate the degree is simply the Master of Computer Science, regardless of whether the student attends on campus or through Distance Education delivery.
Full details of the Master of Computer Science degree may be found here. The requirements and instructions for the Distance Education version are the same, with only one small difference. MCS-DE students must register for the DE section of the Computer Science Graduate Orientation course (CSC 600, section 601), which includes a selection of research presentations by Computer Science faculty and industry presentations by our industry partners.
Who Is Eligible To Apply?
The program is available to U.S. citizens and permanent residents (Green card holders), United States military personnel serving overseas, and foreign nationals residing in the U.S. on qualifying non-student visas. (Foreign nationals must first contact before submitting an application.)
Although there is no fixed deadline to apply for this distance education degree, applicants are admitted for their desired term only if sufficient time remains for full clearance and enrollment when an admission decision is made.