Undergraduate Program - Contact
For additional information about the Computer Science Undergraduate Program and admissions, please follow the links on the right. To contact the CSC Undergraduate Advising Office please fill out this form.
We hope that you will be persuaded that the Computer Science Department at N.C. State University is the right place to get your undergraduate degree!
The Undergraduate Program office consists of the following:
- Dr. Sarah Heckman Director of Undergraduate Programs
- Dr. Dave Roberts, Assistant Director of Undergraduate Programs
- Dr. Barbara Jasmine Adams, Director of Undergraduate Advising
- Ms. ToniAnn Marini, Assistant Director of Undergraduate Advising
- Dr. Gary Weinberg, Academic Advisor
- Ms. Nia Okoh, Undergraduate Student Services Specialist
Our mailing address is the following:
Undergraduate Programs Office
Department of Computer Science
Campus Box 8206
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8206
Department of Computer Science
Campus Box 8206
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8206
Address for courier deliveries is:
Undergraduate Programs Office
Department of Computer Science
North Carolina State University
Room 1204B, Engineering Building II
890 Oval Drive, Centennial Campus
Raleigh, NC 27695-8206
Department of Computer Science
North Carolina State University
Room 1204B, Engineering Building II
890 Oval Drive, Centennial Campus
Raleigh, NC 27695-8206
Contact: Zelda Tuazama, 919-515-7847