Undergraduate Program - Curriculum Requirements for Game Development Concentration

Subject Areas:

Engineering and Computer Science
Math and Statistics
Basic Science
GEP Requirements
CSC Games Restricted Electives
Games Restricted Electives
Health and Exercise Studies
Free Elective


121 Credit Hours

Engineering and Computer Science (total: 46 credit hrs)

CourseCredit Hours
E 1011
E 1022
E 1151
CSC 1163
CSC 216 + CSC 2173 + 1
CSC 2263
CSC 2303
CSC 2363
CSC 2463
CSC 3163
CSC 3264
CSC 3333
CSC 3791
CSC 4613
Advanced Games Project3
CSC 4813
CSC 4923

Mathematics and Statistics (total: 18 credit hrs)

CourseCredit Hours
MA 1414
MA 2414
MA 2424
MA 3053
ST 3703

Basic Sciences (total: 15 credit hrs)

CoursesCredit Hours
CH 101 & 102 Lab4
Basic Science Elective3
PY 205 & PY 2064
PY 208 & PY 2094

English (total: 7 credit hrs)

CourseCredit Hours
ENG 1014
ENG 3313

Economics (total: 3 hrs)

CourseCredit Hours
EC 205 or 201 or ARE 2013

GEP Requirements (total: 15 credit hrs)

CourseCredit Hours
Social Science3
Additional Breadth3
Interdisciplinary Perspectives3

CSC Games Restricted Electives (total: 6 credit hrs)

CourseCredit Hours
CSC ___________________3
CSC ___________________3

Games Restricted Electives (total: 9 credit hrs)

CourseCredit Hours

Heatlh and Exercise Studies (total: 2 credit hrs)

CourseCredit Hours
HESF 100-1111
HES* ___________________1
Meet us at the intersection of technology and life