The Fidelity Investments "Leadership in Technology" Speakers Series Proudly Presents...

Dr. Saundra Williams
SVP & Chief of Technology and Workforce Dev., NC Community College System
Overcoming IT in Order to Support Business Functions
Tuesday, March 27th, 6:00 PM; EB2 1231
Overcoming IT in Order to Support Business Functions
Abstract: Responsibilities in technology leadership have broadened and absorbed some form of business responsibility. Dr. Williams will share lessons learned along with strategies on how to develop collaborative relationships with business peers to bring productivity insight into the overall organization.
Speaker Bio
Dr. Saundra Wall Williams is the Senior Vice President and Chief of Technology and Workforce Development at the North Carolina Community College System. With 58 institutions and over 850,000 students, the System is one of the largest in the country and is the State's primary agency for delivery of job training, literacy and adult education. Dr. Williams leads the information technology and resources, technology infrastructure, distance learning, workforce development, human resource development, continuing education, staff training, project management, and emergency service functions organizations within the community college system. Dr. Williams came to the North Carolina Community College System from North Carolina State University where she was an Assistant Professor in Adult and Community College Education and continues to serve as an Adjunct Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Adult and Higher Education. Dr. Williams teaches graduate students in the area of training and development. Her teaching responsibilities focus on distance learning, technology, training design, development and implementation, and training management and leadership. She has published a number of articles and chapters in books on teaching and learning in a web-based environment and on workplace learning. Her research activity is evidenced by her publications and by her being named a Cyril O. Houle Scholar in Adult and Continuing Education. She is also on the editorial board for the Journal of Workplace Learning. Dr. Williams has over twenty years experience in the field of technical training. Before entering the professorate, she was Director of Technical Training and Education for Syntel, Inc. in Cary, NC. Her background also includes employment as a Senior Technical Education Specialist for BroadBand Technologies, Inc. in Research Triangle Park, NC. She began her career in training and development with Nortel as a Senior Technical Trainer at Nortel’s Technical Education Center in Raleigh, NC. Prior to her career in training and development, Dr. Williams was employed as a Software Engineer for Nortel. Additionally, she taught calculus as a Visiting Instructor in the Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University. Dr. Saundra Wall Williams holds a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Master of Science in Applied Mathematics with a minor in Statistics, Doctor of Education in Adult and Community College Education all from North Carolina State University and Master of Divinity from Regent University.
Note to CSC Graduate Students
These lectures have been approved by the CSC Graduate Oversight Committee to count toward the required lectures for graduate students. Download seminar attendance form.