The Fidelity Investments "Leadership in Technology" Speakers Series Proudly Presents...

Jim Goodnight
Co-founder & CEO, SAS
An Epic Entrepreneurial Journey: How Creating a Unique Culture for Innovation Leads to Unlimited Possibilities
Thursday, November 13th, 6:00 PM; Hunt Library Auditorium
An Epic Entrepreneurial Journey: How Creating a Unique Culture for Innovation Leads to Unlimited Possibilities
Abstract: Dr. Jim Goodnight has received media recognition as the “King of Analytics” and the “Godfather of Analytics”. As co-founder and CEO of SAS for nearly four decades, his leadership and vision have built a dynamic, world-renowned organization infused with a passion for quality and innovation. As a consistent top honoree on Best Place to Work lists globally, SAS has an incredible record of retaining the best and brightest employees. Join moderator, Keith Collins, Senior Vice President and CIO of SAS, as he engages Dr. Goodnight in a unique “Fireside Chat” experience to share his perspective about how he continues to challenge himself and his employees to stay relevant and continue to forge new trails for analytics.
Speaker Bio
Since he co-founded SAS in 1976, Jim Goodnight has served as the company’s Chief Executive Officer. The worldwide leader in business analytics, SAS has more than 13,800 employees in 59 countries. The company’s 2013 revenue was $3.02 billion, its 38th consecutive year of growth and profitability. Goodnight considers his employees to be his most valuable asset and has created a world-renowned workplace model. In 2013, SAS ranked No. 2 on the World’s Best Multinational Workplaces list from Great Place to Work Institute. Goodnight has a Ph.D. in statistics from NC State University and speaks internationally on leadership, education and innovation.
Note to CSC Graduate Students
These lectures have been approved by the CSC Graduate Oversight Committee to count toward the required lectures for graduate students. Download seminar attendance form.