Speaker Series

Leadership in Technology

Speaker Series

"Leadership in Technology" Speakers Series Proudly Presents...

Photo of Bahmani

Dr. Amir Bahmani

Director of Stanford's Deep Data Research Computing Center at Stanford University

Deep Data Needs and Challenges in Precision Medicine

Tuesday, November 8th, 6:30 PM; EB2 1231

Deep Data Needs and Challenges in Precision Medicine


We are currently at the beginning stages of a generation-defining revolution in biology. For the past two decades, breakthroughs in our understanding of genetics and genomics, coupled with those in AI and machine learning, have presented us with opportunities to radically improve healthcare around the world. Data is now a digital specimen, but as more and more data is collected, often in different formats and on disparate platforms, new solutions are needed to successfully integrate, store, compute, and secure data.

This talk provides a short set of examples for how to handle large-scale medical studies in a secure and scalable fashion. It assesses contemporary realities, identifies potentially promising research directions, and investigates potential impact on the field of bioinformatics from a Computer Science perspective.

Speaker Bio

Amir Bahmani is the Director of Stanford Deep Data Research Computing Center (DDRCC) and the Director of Science and Technology at Stanford Healthcare Innovation Lab (SHIL) and a lecturer at Stanford University. He has been working on distributed and parallel computing applications since 2008. Currently, Amir is an active researcher in the VA Million Veteran Program (MVP), Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN), the Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP), Stanford Metabolic Health Center (MHC) and Integrated Personal Omics Profiling (iPOP)

***If you are unable or uncomfortable joining us in person, the talk will be broadcasted live at https://go.ncsu.edu/labcorpspeakerseries. As always, talks will be videotaped and made available (pending speaker approval) on a dedicated YouTube channel.***

Note to CSC Graduate Students

These lectures have been approved by the CSC Graduate Oversight Committee to count toward the required lectures for graduate students. Download seminar attendance form.

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