"Leadership in Technology" Speakers Series Proudly Presents...
Drew Banks
Retired Tech Entrepreneur
Navigating a Successful Tech Career: Understanding the Tradeoffs of Each Decision
Thursday, November 18th, 6:30 PM; EB2 1231
Navigating a Successful Tech Career: Understanding the Tradeoffs of Each Decision
Abstract: If at first you don't succeed, fail fast and learn from your mistakes. Drew will review lessons learned over two decades of spectacular Silicon Valley failures—lessons that he then parlayed into a subsequent decade helping take European startups to the global marketplace while avoiding the many pitfalls he encountered along the way.
Speaker Bio
Drew Banks is a seasoned tech entrepreneur and executive passionate about visual communications, disruptive solutions, global hyper-growth, low bureaucracy, and fast execution.
Drew's nearly 4-decade tech career began in 1982 as an intern at SAS Institute while he attended NC State University, earning dual BS's in CSC and EE. After graduation—and a 2-yr detour to NYC where he dabbled in the performing arts—Drew went to business school at MIT Sloan and then out to San Francisco where he spent the next 3 decades and still lives to this day.
Drew ran the gamut in Silicon Valley from big company to small. He's a self-proclaimed accidental entrepreneur who tripped into his own (failed) startup world now advises other entrepreneurs how to grow, fund, and sell theirs. He's particularly attracted to early-stage European companies with global potential. His last two companies—Prezi and Drops—are prime examples of this profile. Because of his breadth of experience, Drew has a unique perspective on how to forge a bespoke career path that keeps you engaged every step of the way.
Drew is also both a business author and novelist having written and published four books. He's working on his 5th ... and a screenplay.
***Masks are required for the 'in person' talk. Consult University COVID guidelines for the current directives. If you are unable or uncomfortable joining us in person, the talk will be broadcasted live at https://go.ncsu.edu/labcorpspeakerseries. As always, talks will be videotaped and made available (pending speaker approval) on a dedicated YouTube channel.***
Note to CSC Graduate Students
These lectures have been approved by the CSC Graduate Oversight Committee to count toward the required lectures for graduate students. Download seminar attendance form.