Graduate Program - FAQs
- Am I eligible to apply to the graduate program in Computer Science at N.C. State, and what are my chances of being admitted?
- Which term, fall or spring, is best for U.S. applicants to apply?
- The Graduate School's application deadlines seem to differ from the department's. Which ones take precedence?
- May I apply to the doctoral program if I don't have a master's degree?
- How can I be sure the transcript I upload with my application is acceptable?
- Should I first contact faculty / prospective advisors if I'm applying to the doctoral program?
- What if my undergraduate degree is not in computer science?
- Is it possible for someone who has completed a 3-year undergraduate program in computer science at a non-U.S. university to be admitted?
- Are part-time doctoral students allowed in the Computer Science Graduate Program?
- My name is different now from how it appears on my transcripts. How do I note this on my application?
- May I apply to more than one of degree program simultaneously (like the PhD and MS)?
- How can I learn the status of my application?
- I selected the MS in Computer Science degree when I submitted my application. Can I change it to the non-thesis master's degree?
- I already hold a master's degree in computer science from a non-U.S. school. Can I still apply to the masters program at N.C. State?
- I'm interested in enrolling in one of the distance education degree programs, but live outside the United States. May I apply?
- I applied for admission at N.C. State and was turned down. May I reapply reusing my previous application?
- Do I need to convert my GPA if my school doesn't use a 4.0 grading scale? What if my GPA on a 4.0 scale is below 3.0?
- Would I be automatically denied admission if my undergraduate GPA is below 3.0?
- I'm in a graduate program at another U.S. university but want to finish my degree at NC State. How do I transfer?
- What code do I use to have ETS report my GRE and/or TOEFL test scores?
- I don't meet your Graduate School's sectional or overall minimums on my most recent TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo test. May I still apply?
- When does an English proficiency exam expire?
- I've taken the GRE or English proficiency exam more than once. Which scores are used for admissions?
- How long does it take to complete the masters program?
- I was recently admitted to your program. How do I defer my admission?
- If I'm admitted, will graduate classes I've taken at NC State through Non-Degree Studies count toward my degree?
- Do I have to take a TOEFL test if I'm a U.S. citizen but my undergraduate degree is from a foreign school?
- Will my application still be considered if something's missing but I submit it by CSC's deadline?
- I am a foreign national who resides in the U.S. on a work visa. Do I qualify as a domestic applicant?
- I'm a new student and don't know how to register. Help!
- Would you please release my advising hold? I'm a new student trying to register.
- Must the recommendation letters my references upload be on letterhead?
- What do I do if one of my references can't use the online recommendation system?
- May I apply for spring admission?
- Are the requirements and coursework for the distance education courses and degrees different from the on-campus versions?
- What if I don't have any academic references among my three recommendations?
- How do I know if a class I've taken at another school is comparable to the prerequisites for graduate admission and study?
- How do I change something after submitting my application?
- Do you provide financial support, like teaching/research assistantships or fellowships, to masters students?
- What transcript evaluation services are accepted?
- I did poorly on one section of the GRE. Should I retake the test?
- My test scores are below the averages listed on the Computer Science web pages for admitted applicants. Does that mean I'll be denied admission?
- I completed a dual degree program (3+2 years) for a bachelor's and master's degree. Am I still eligible to apply for a masters degree at N.C. State?
- What sorts of accreditation of US Schools does N.C. State recognize?
- Do you offer provisional or conditional admissions?
- I was admitted to NCSU by another department. May I transfer to the Computer Science graduate program instead?
- Whom do I contact with questions about my health insurance under the Graduate Student Support Plan?
- I'm defending my thesis this summer. Do I need to register?
- I haven't finished my final year of undergraduate schooling. May I still apply?
- I can't make up my mind about applying to the degree in Computer Networking or Computer Science. May I apply to both? May I switch from one to another?
- Can an MCS student take courses in the Data Science Track?
- How can I pay my tuition and fees for the semester?
The Computer Science graduate program does not pre-screen applicants. Given the volume of applications, this is unfortunately not possible. The graduate program web pages, however, are intended to answer many related questions, such as average test scores of admitted applicants, expectations about prior course background, and how to make up deficiencies.
For U.S. applicants wishing to apply for the masters degree, there is not much difference.
For U.S. applicants wishing to apply for the PhD, the opportunities for financial aid are probably better in the fall, but every effort will be made to find financial aid for outstanding applicants no matter when they apply.
The Computer Science Department's graduate program deadlines take precedence over the Graduate School's deadlines, which are the default for departments that don't state otherwise. Please follow the department deadlines.
Yes, a fair number of applicants without Masters degrees are admitted to the PhD program directly, if they show evidence of strong academic ability and research aptitude.
If our admissions committee believes an applicant is prepared for graduate study, but isn't quite ready for the doctoral program, the department may recommend admission to the Masters program instead. In this case, later admission to the PhD program is still an option, based on success in the Masters program.
If our admissions committee believes an applicant is prepared for graduate study, but isn't quite ready for the doctoral program, the department may recommend admission to the Masters program instead. In this case, later admission to the PhD program is still an option, based on success in the Masters program.
If it meets the criteria described in the Transcript Specifications section of our Application Procedure page, it is acceptable. If we encounter problems during processing, then CSC contacts the applicant explaining what needs to be corrected and how.
Many Computer Science faculty prefer to leave admissions and financial aid decisions up to the department's admissions committee. In addition, financial aid decisions are usually made by the department. Applicants however are welcome to contact faculty who might have an interest in their application, so they can lend their support to the applicant's case.
This is not an immediate cause for rejection. Please see the web page on Prerequisites / Non-CS Background, which addresses this topic in considerable detail.
Individuals who've graduated from three year programs may be at a disadvantage, although generally European signators to the Bologna Process are well regarded. If the institution is not in Europe or a Bologna Process participant, the applicant will need to provide the Graduate School with a transcript evaluation by an accepted international credential evaluation service. (A third-party evaluation is in addition to the university transcript, not in place of it.)
U.S. citizens and permanent residents may pursue PhD programs part-time in the Department of Computer Science. However, the outcomes for part-time students in the past have not been particularly encouraging (i.e., there has been a high attrition rate). Doctoral study represents a major commitment of time, money, and creative energy for student and faculty advisers alike. The Department supports full-time PhD students at a generous level (including full remission of tuition), making full-time study practical even for students with families.
Name changes are a routine occurrence and present no real issue of concern. The Graduate School's online application form provides a field in which to enter previous names used. However, if the name used on a GRE or TOEFL test differs from your application, then it's likely to prevent automatic report matching, which usually occurs within five business days from the date of application submission.
Concerns about test reporting should be directed either to Graduate School admissions ( if you suspect a name matching problem, or to the testing agency.
Concerns about test reporting should be directed either to Graduate School admissions ( if you suspect a name matching problem, or to the testing agency.
We request that you apply to only one degree program, which should be your primary objective.
If a promising student applies for the masters degree initially, and is admitted, it is quite possible after some time in the masters program to apply for entry into the PhD. Conversely, if a promising student applies to the PhD program but is felt to be not quite ready for admission to the PhD, the student may be admitted instead into the masters program.
Your account in the online application system has indicators you may check to see if test reports have been matched, references have submitted their recommendations, and documents have been uploaded.
The Graduate School individually notifies (by email) applicants of the admission decision once it has been recorded by the department. The timing of decisions for fall admission is roughly January-February for PhD applicants, and February-April for Masters applicants who applied by December 15. Masters applicants who apply later than that should expect a decision within approximately one month of completing their application.
Our non-thesis masters program (abbreviated either MR or MCS) is the default degree into which almost all admitted Masters applicants (other than Computer Network applicants) are initially placed. Once enrolled in the program, if you wish to pursue a Masters degree with thesis degree, it is a simple matter to change to that degree program.
The Graduate School prohibits awarding a second masters degrees in the same field as an earlier degree. However, you may consider applying to the department's Master of Science in Computer Networking degree. This is our only specialty degree.
The Department of Computer Science does not at the present time admit non-resident international applicants to our distance education degree programs. However, U.S. citizens who are temporarily residing in foreign countries, such as deployed military personnel, may pursue the MCS-DE or MSCN-DE degrees while stationed outside the country. Contact Engineering Online to learn about the technical details and limitations to DE study abroad.
Applicants previously denied admission are discouraged from reapplying, due to the volume of applications we receive. We believe there are an abundance of good opportunities for graduate study, and recommend looking at some of those other opportunities.
That is not necessary. When uploading your transcript, be sure to include the legend or page explaining that explains your school's grading scheme.
US students with undergraduate GPAs below 3.0 may be admitted on occassion because of extenuating circumstances. Those should be clearly documented in the personal statement portion of the application.
Any exception to the minimum GPA rule requested by a department must be justified to the Graduate School by citing concrete evidence from the applicant's record including major GPA of undergraduate and/or graduate coursework, references, GRE score, professional experience, etc., as well as comments from the admissions committee. Please document any extenuating circumstances clearly in your personal statement, which is part of the application.
You will need to apply to our graduate program, and be admitted in the normal way. If admitted and enrolled, it may be possible to transfer some of the graduate credits from your current school. Consult the Graduate School Handbook to learn more about the rules governing transfer of credit.
The institution code 5496 is the only one needed to report scores to NC State University. ETS then electronically transmits test results to a central data system accessible to all departments. Because of this, selecting a department code from the ETS department menu is unnecessary, and has no effect on score reporting. Test results remain in the university's database indefinitely.
It is unlikely an applicant will be admitted to graduate study if this is the case. The Graduate School minimums are below the level normally expected by the Department of Computer Science.
English test scores expire two years after the test date, and we do not consider expired tests. To determine expiration for admission purposes, our program uses June 15 for fall entry terms and November 15 for spring entry. Therefore, a TOEFL test that expires on June 15 the same year as fall admission would be invalid, and a TOEFL test that expires on November 15 the year prior to spring admission would be invalid.
Only the most recent GRE and English proficiency test results are considered.
The Master of Science (MS) is a research-oriented degree. The curriculum requires 31 graduate credits, including a maximum of six for thesis research. A student registered full time, nine (9) to twelve (12) credits per semester, typically completes the required credits and thesis within two years.
The non-thesis Masters degree, which requires only course work, is routinely completed within three semesters of full-time study. Note that most Masters students also do a paid internship during the first summer of their degree program.
Admitted applicants may defer enrollment for up to one year from their original entry term. Fall applicants to CSC graduate programs have until June 15 of the year they are first admitted to accept admission and pay their enrollment deposit. Once that's done, they have until August 1 to request deferral of their enrollment and deposit. Because there are not a fixed number of "seats" in our program that a future student must claim immediately or lose, the deadlines allow ample time to thoughtfully consider accepting admission or subsequent deferral. However, enrollment deposits are non-refundable and term-specific. If a fall applicant accepts admission and then fails to request deferral by August 1, they forfeit both admission and their deposit, and must reapply for admission.
To request deferral, send an email to the Computer Science graduate program at, stating your full name, applicant ID#, the term to which you want to defer your enrollment, and a brief explanation of the reason for deferring. The advanced enrollment deposit must have already been paid by the June 15 deadline in order to request a deferral.
To request deferral, send an email to the Computer Science graduate program at, stating your full name, applicant ID#, the term to which you want to defer your enrollment, and a brief explanation of the reason for deferring. The advanced enrollment deposit must have already been paid by the June 15 deadline in order to request a deferral.
Up to 12 credit hours of eligible graduate coursework taken through NDS with grades of B or better may count toward the degree. Keep in mind that the "clock" for completion time of your degree starts with the earliest semester from which courses are credited toward it.
The Graduate School policy on English proficiency doesn't directly address this question. If both your secondary education and college/university degree were attained in a country where the official language is not English, you will need to take either the TOEFL or IELTS test.
Regrettably, no; an application should be officially submitted only when everything is ready. The volume of applications we receive requires that all information, including the CSC supplemental information form, must be ready for review no later than the deadline date. Note that test reports, which are usually auto-matched to the application within five business days, should be ordered from ETS two or three weeks before you submit.
No, only U.S. citizens and permanent residents (Green card holders) are classified as domestic applicants. This is unfortunately true even if you've lived in the U.S. for several years.
If you have only very recently become "enrollment eligible," then sometime within the next few business days, the Computer Science Graduate office will email you with general introductory information, advising contacts, and guidance concerning registration. We may already have mailed this information previously, using the email address listed on your application.
The university also provides general instructions on registration, using the MyPack portal.
If you have only recently become "enrollment eligible" (which we monitor), your advising hold will be released by us very shortly; no action is needed on your part.
However, it is possibly you may have a "cashier's hold" that prevents you from registering. To have that removed, you will need to contact the Cashier's Office for explanation/assistance.
It is helpful to us to receive reference letters on letterhead, from reference contacts who also use organizational email addresses (i.e., .edu addresses for educators, .com addresses for professionals). However, neither is required, and we will accept letters on plain paper, mailed from personal email addresses.
We regret that at the present time we are unable to accept reference letters in hardcopy form. The use of online reference systems for Graduate School applications has been widely adopted by universities in the United States.
Spring admission is open only to domestic applicants, which includes U.S. citizens and permanent U.S. residents.
The curricula for our distance track degrees (MCS-DE and MSCN-DE) are almost identical to their on-campus counterparts. The exception is that the orientation class is different for DE students. See the MCS-DE and MSCN-DE web pages for more detail.
Our preference is that at least one of your references be academic. However, we recognize that professionals considering graduate study may have long since graduated from their undergraduate institution, and therefore have difficulty getting academic references. In such cases it is acceptable to have only work references.
Please compare the content or description of your undergraduate courses against the course descriptions for our admission prerequisites. If you're still uncertain, you may wish to consult NCSU's undergraduate course equivalency calculator. Finally, you may try providing the NC State course description to the instructor at your institution for an opinion concerning content equivalence.
We regret that due to the volume of applications, it is not possible to change them once they are submitted. If you wish to change one of your references, however, you can do that yourself via your application account.
Please see our web pages on Cost/Financial Aid Opportunities and Employment of Graduate Students for a thorough discussion of financial support. In general, all PhD students are fully supported throughout their degree program. There is limited support from the department for Masters students, but abundant part-time and summer employment with local high tech companies, paying very respectable average hourly wages.
The Computer Science Graduate Office requests that applications be accompanied by English language translations of transcripts, rather than transcript evaluations. If your school doesn't issue English language translations, and you make use of professional translation services, then please upload copies of both the original language transcript, and the certified translation.
Only the most recent GRE scores are used for evaluation. If you believe you can raise your scores significantly by retaking, then go ahead, but there is of course the risk that your scores may go down as well.
No; those scores are only averages. All components in an application are considered before making a decision. Because of that, we are unable to answer the related question as to whether it is worthwhile to apply, until the full application is received.
Integrated programs of three undergraduate years, plus one to two graduate, do not result in a master's degree by NC State's definition. Therefore, the university's policy concerning second master's degrees is not pertinent, and you are welcome to apply.
You should direct this question to the Graduate School for a definitive answer. Generally speaking, in the absence of regional and/or ABET accreditation, it's unlikely the university would recognize a degree from a school.
No, the Computer Science graduate program does not admit applicants on a conditional or provisional basis. We request that applicants be in the process of completing prerequisites at the time of application. The prerequisites do not need to be completed at the time of application, just by the time the requested admission semester would start.
Transfers from other departments are only considered after the student has completed at least two semesters in that department's programs. Therefore, if you have only been admitted, but not enrolled, you will not be permitted to transfer to Computer Science.
For answers to questions about the student health insurance plan, please contact the insurance agency that is identified in the current edition of the Graduate Student Support Plan Handbook.
All students who take their final oral examination or submit their thesis/dissertation to the Graduate School during either summer session must be registered for either the first or second summer session. Those who wish to submit their thesis/dissertation or have their final oral examination after the last day of a semester or summer session, but before the next semester or summer session, must have been registered in the semester or summer session that immediately preceded the date of submission or the date when the exam was held.
Yes. Many of our applicants are in the process of completing their final undergraduate year when they apply. However, before you apply, be certain the transcript you upload complies with our Transcript Specifications.
Applicants are only allowed to apply to a single degree at a time.
Admitted students, once enrolled, are allowed to change degree programs after one semester, as long as they meet certain academic requirements.
Yes, and in fact, the DS track is only available to MCS students, although as a general rule, CSC 500/700-level courses are not restricted to CSC graduate students in any specific degree curriculum.
It is important to understand that the Data Science Track is not a distinct degree program or a specialty Masters. As explained on the Data Science Track description page, the DS track offers the MCS student -- distance or on-campus -- who successfully completes their curriculum a letter of certification.
It is important to understand that the Data Science Track is not a distinct degree program or a specialty Masters. As explained on the Data Science Track description page, the DS track offers the MCS student -- distance or on-campus -- who successfully completes their curriculum a letter of certification.
Monthly payment plans can be set up prior to the tuition due date for fall and spring semesters. More information can be found at